Under the Same Sky with Erine Gray of findhelp

The social determinants of health (SDOH) are increasingly on the minds of those in the healthcare space. However, there’s a gap between identifying SDOH factors, and addressing them. That’s where findhelp comes in. findhelp’s social care network empowers customers to create their own branded platforms to connect their local communities across the US with nearby social care resources.

In our ongoing LinkedIn Live discussion series, Under the Same Sky, our founder and CEO Abner Mason recently chatted with findhelp founder and CEO, Erine Gray. Erine talked about how he came to start a company dedicated to helping people find the support and resources they need — when they need it the most.

Watch the replay, and be sure to follow SameSky Health on LinkedIn to be in-the-know on future installments of our series.

About Erine Gray
Erine is the Founder and CEO of findhelp, a Public Benefit Corporation, the leading Search and Referral Network in the US. Their platform is used by most major health plans, hospital systems, select residential and cause organizations. Erine is a 2019 TED Senior Fellow. He lives in Austin, TX.

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SameSky Health

This post was written by the SameSky Health marketing and communications team.


Under the Same Sky with Eric Whitaker, MD, MPH and Garfield Collins of Zing Health


Under the Same Sky with Matt Loper of Wellth